Saturday, January 27, 2007

Gotta Have Faith

This is Faith...... she is really into MX. She turns 16 tomorrow. Happy Birthday Faith! Remember this face, cuz one day, she will be gracing the MX magazines as the best female rider in America. Faith likes to wear her hair out so that when she passes the men on the track, they know it's a girl passing them. This is a race that Dereck organized on the peewee track with the kids. Faith's brother is the one on the far right. We have nicknamed him Cowboy because the first time we met him, he was on this little bitty bike on the peewee track and he was wearing cowboy boots to ride in. LOL. Sweet kid and great family. But....... Cowboy didn't press the gas and so he didn't leave the start line! LOL. Poor thing.

Kane....... the winner. That's my boy!!

No............ I don't know him. Just thought it would make a good mx rider bare back watching his peeps on the track.

Friday, January 26, 2007

sunny day

The day is passing fast and I have not taken any shots. I have some ideas in mind, but not sure that I can pull it off. But just in case I don't get them done........ here are a few that I took of Tyler right after school. He was playing with the dog and an old busted up soccer ball.

Tried macro again. Why is it I can't get the whole concept of macro?? Anyway, I will keep trying till I get something that I like.

These were taken last night........ before midnight, but I just wanted to share them with you anyway. They don't count, I know, but still..........
It was pretty cold last night and I just took a picture of the condensation on my windows.

Ahhhh......... the photo of the day.

Last but not least.......... I got a Heidi/Shell sorta photo....... got the siggy and all!! Don't MESS with me!!! LOL!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

La Villa

This Mexican moving restaurant is always at the same location every day. There are always people lined up buying food. I have always wanted to eat there, so today my neighbor, Richard was riding with me running errands and on the way home, I suggested we stop and pick up some food.
It was delicious!!

My crazy neighbor, Richard....

My burrito being prepared............
It was so good....... the guacamole was amazing! Never had real authentic guacamole before.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Pretty Things

A few pieces that I wear. I am more into this sort of jewelry rather than the gold and gems sort of look.

The starfish, heart and cross are by Swarovsky crystal. I put together the heart and starfish and the cross was a gift from a friend.
The silver one is Kenneth Cole and I got that one for Christmas.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Ran a few errands today and popped into our local pro lab to catch up with my friends.

Meet Bob. He works at Pro Quality and he's the Photoshop guru exrodinaire. We were playing around with a slave light and Bob was my model. Thanks Bob! You look great!
I about had a heart attack. Kane went on a field trip and took a disposable camera. I had some old film too to develop and so dropped off both rolls.......... choked at the $20 I had to spend on something I didn't see first........ then my heart stopped when I opened the packet to find THIS!!!
At least I got one good-ish? maybe? of the bunch..........
This was taken with my underwater camera 2 years ago in St. Lucia. My boys snorkeling. The water was murky that day. Too bad........ none of the other images are worthy.

So after I recover from my trauma of dealing with film (that 4 letter word), I had to drop Kane to the tutor and as I was leaving......... I saw this........... 2 girls on an ATV/4 wheeler. Rule #1. One rider per ATV. Rule #2 Everyone wears a helmet. This sort of thing upsets me because there have been so many accidents caused by too many riders on an ATV.

While Tyler was doing his homework, I was taking self portraits..... you can see him working hard too.

On the way back from dropping Kane to the tutor, I figured I'd take another photo of my street to show you that it's not such a scary place. On foggy mornings, it does look creepy.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Pick Me! Pick Me!

struggling to find photo subjects.......... at the moment. But this afternoon doing homework I had a few good laughs with Tyler.
Home work continues after a good pick.

and my beautiful boy bird, Kato. A male Eclectus.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

computer troubles

Please excuse Sunday, January 21st because I have some serious computer problems.

OK, I think things have been resolved. Not 100% sure.

My husband eats a lot of peanuts.

I love cooking and eating red lentils. They are quick and easy.

We went to the beach again........ this is what my son found. Very sparkly.